Delta Therapy Dogs Port Sorell Canine Community Walk
Dog lovers are invited to participate in the annual Port Sorell Canine Community Walk on Sunday, 16th March to support the Delta Therapy Dogs program. There is a choice of either a 2 km or 4.5 km walk.
The Delta Therapy Dogs Program involves a group of dedicated volunteers and their Accredited Dogs visiting North West Coast Aged Care facility residents, adults with disabilities, Youth services, and children in the classroom to share the joy of animal companionship.
Registration commences at 10.30 am at Port Sorell Fire Station (Rice Street, Port Sorell) with an 11.00 am start. The cost is $8 per family or $5 an individual with every registration having a chance to win a prize.
On return to the Recreation ground, indulge in a perfectly cooked sausage from the Port Sorell Fire Brigade or take your dog through the agility course.
For more information, please go to Friends of Delta Therapy Dogs or just turn up on the day.